October 23, 2021 / Leave a comment
A COP26 special: From What If to What Next: Episode 39
Usually our brand new podcasts are, initially at least, released only to subscribers, but today we make an important exception. This episode, Episode 39, is being released just 6 days before the beginning of COP26, the vitally important climate summit happening in Glasgow. The world’s governments will be coming together for 2 weeks to, hopefully, reach some kind of binding agreement that might give the world at least a fighting chance of preventing runaway climate change. There’s one problem though…
Yet we know that involving the diversity of a population in making big decisions that affect them can lead to far greater public support, not to mention better ideas. Research also shows that women understand climate change better than men, are more open to change and to big ideas, and bring a more compassionate approach to decisionmaking.
I’m joined to explore this by the fabulous Nameerah Hameed and by Bianca Pitt, both of, among other things, #SheChangesClimate. Do let me know what you think of our conversation, and also do sign the She Changes Climate Open Letter. And may this be the last such event where this is the case.