Subtitle: Imagination taking power

All sold out! Ministry of Imagination Manifesto!!

Due to popular demand, we have had a limited run of copies of the ‘Ministry of Imagination Manifesto‘ printed, just 200 copies, and they’ll sell fast. Don’t miss out. Order them as gifts for policymakers you might know. Order one to give your own imagination a treat. In full colour, beautifully printed, you don’t want to miss this. Here’s the moment they arrived from the printer:

So sorry. These all sold out in a day! I will look to get more printed soon, but for now, that’s it. Apologies. You can still find the digital version here. Thanks.


  1. Penny
    May 18, 2024

    So happy to see this in print Rob!

  2. Keith
    May 21, 2024

    Sorry I missed the initial offer. Happy to jump in on the next go. Well done Ministers!!

  3. Olve
    May 21, 2024

    I’d love to get a copy too, if you could do another print run that would be amazing! We appreciate the work you’re doing to inspire creativity. Thanks!

  4. Kate
    May 30, 2024

    My first thought on downloading the digital copy was …I wonder whether Rob could be persuaded to do a print version of this.
    Please let us know when available again . Every organisation , town, local authority, community action group needs one ! Thank you so much

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© Rob Hopkins 2017-2024