July 23, 2024 / Leave a comment
Come join us in Bristol for ‘Town Anywhere’
You may have heard me talking on here before about ‘Town Anywhere’, the incredible participatory activity designed by Ruth Ben-Tovim and Lucy Neal. In essence, it allows participants to imagine the future that resulted from our doing everything we could have possibly done and to then build that world, using cardboard, bamboo canes, tape and string and to then inhabit it, trade in it, celebrate in it … It’s an incredible activity, one that works in extraordinary ways and embodies Rilke’s quote that “the future must enter into you a long time before it happens”. It doesn’t happen that often as it is a big thing to organise. But I’m delighted to announce that Ruth and I (my first time co-facilitating it) will be putting it on in Bristol on August 29th, 10am-4pm as part of the fabulous Forwards Festival. It’s going to be AMAZING, and spaces are limited. Book your place here. See you there!